Embrace the moment

This must be one of my favourite projects of all time, and one hell of an idea – cocktail inspired frozen desserts, what’s not to love? The concept for this was simple, but incredibly fun to create. Using the tagline Embrace the moment as a jump-off point, I wanted each flavour to embody a completely different experience, the best way I thought to do this was to make each flavour their own unique character. Each would take inspiration from the ingredients and tastes within their product and turn these into personality traits, for example: the Limoncello Cheesecake was zesty, cute and coy, the Chocolate Orange was sultry, smooth and seductive, and the Watermelon Martini was sassy, cool and confident. The beauty in this is that the brand feels like an extension of the consumers social life, you’re not trying a cold product off the shelf, you’re meeting new people and enjoying new experiences, whenever and wherever you feel like it.
